
Monday, January 28, 2013

Hiking the PCT Section D Southbound 2012

Hiking the PCT Section D Southbound 2012 Tube. Duration : 15.15 Mins.

Wolfwalker solo hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in California Southbound SECTION D. (7/29/12 - 8/3/12). This section goes 112.5 miles from Agua Dulce under the 14 fwy to Cajon Pass under the 15 fwy. I started a few miles into section E so I added 2.5 miles for a total of 115. I saw no thru hikers or section hikers the entire time. The trail was empty except for a pair of overnighters on my second day. One of them had to get airlifted off the trail due to heat/water issues. ( Cactus and Ishay... I hope you are ok ). It was a true solo experience. I did see some day hikers near Mt. Baden Powell. My friends came to hang out and camp out my last night on the trail. We stayed around Blue Ridge Campground and had an awesome night. I might be the last one doing this section for the Summer. There was barely any water for 3 days. If it wasnt for some left over trail magic I would not have made it. Most of the small streams have dryed, Poodle Dog Bush was EVERYWHERE and the temps were hitting 90-100+ so beware....It is possible, but try a section with more water. 6 days - 5 camps 115 miles 19.1 miles a day avg. ( 16m shortest, 26m longest )


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